Muv-Luv Wiki

A very small, yet very large, and very precious, fairy tale of love and courage...
— Tagline[1]

Muv-Luv (マブラヴ, Mabu Ravu) is a Japanese visual novel developed by âge, which was originally released as an adult game for the PC in February 28, 2003.


Shirogane Takeru is a typical high school student living a peaceful life at Hakuryou Hiiragi high school, surrounded by his mostly female friends. Until one morning he wakes up to find a mysterious blue-haired girl lying next to him in bed who claims that fate has bound the two of them together - much to the dismay of his childhood friend, the energetic (and slightly violent) Kagami Sumika.



Muv-Luv Gameplay scene[2]

The gameplay in Muv-Luv requires little player interaction as much time is spent on reading the text that appears on the lower portion of the screen, representing either dialogue between characters, or the inner thoughts of the protagonist. Every so often, the player will come to a "decision point", where he or she is given the chance to choose from multiple options. The time between these points is variable and can occur anywhere from a minute to much longer. Gameplay pauses at these points and depending on which choice the player makes, the plot will progress in a specific direction. There are multiple plot lines that the player will have the chance to experience, one for each of the heroines in the story, and there are twenty possible endings. To view all plot lines, the player will have to replay the game multiple times and make different decisions to progress the plot in an alternate direction. The game can end prematurely if the player makes the wrong decisions. When this occurs, the player must go back to a previously saved spot and choose different decisions.

Muv-Luv is divided into two parts:

  • Muv-Luv Extra (マブラヴ エクストラ), a highschool romance comedy.
  • Muv-Luv Unlimited (マブラヴ アンリミテッド), the sequel to Extra, and an overall more serious story in a different setting.

At the beginning, only the Extra story is available to play. Upon finishing the two main routes, the option to play Unlimited is unlocked. The Steam release removes this restriction, allowing both Extra and Unlimited to be played from the start, though it's still recommended to start from Extra.

Featured Music[]


Opening Theme: マブラヴ (mabu ravu) by Kuribayashi Minami
Ending Theme (Muv-Luv Extra): I will by Kuribayashi Minami
Ending Theme (Muv-Luv Unlimited): 遥かなる地球の歌 (Haruka naru furusato no uta) by Kuribayashi Minami

All Age Version[]

Opening Theme: divergence by Minami Kuribayashi
Opening Theme (Muv-Luv Unlimited): 紫音 -sion- (shion) by Okui Masami
Ending Theme (Chizuru Route): 傷は化石にならないけれど (Kizu ha kaseki ni naranai keredo) by Misato Aki
Ending Theme (Kei Route): Astraea by Hashimoto Miyuki
Ending Theme (Tama Route): リトル・モア (Little more) by CooRie

PlayStation 3 Version[]

Opening Theme: LOVE STEP by Kuribayashi Minami

XBox 360 Version[]

Opening Theme: first pain by Kuribayashi Minami

Steam Version[]

Opening Theme: Same as the PlayStation 3 version- LOVE STEP by Kuribayashi Minami

The opening movie from Extra featured in the original release is also retained. All the remaining tracks are from the PC all-ages release, with the exception of divergence, which is unused.



マブラヴ OP 『マブラヴ』 - 栗林みなみ

Original opening: マブラヴ (mabu ravu) by Kuribayashi Minami


マブラヴ アバンムービー 「divergence」 - 栗林みなみ

Opening of the All Age release: divergence by Kuribayashi Minami


マブラヴ アバンムービー 「LOVE STEP」 - 栗林みなみ

Opening of the PS3 release: LOVE STEP by Kuribayashi Minami


Xbox 360版『マブラヴ』PV

PV for the XBox 360 release: first pain by Kuribayashi Minami


Muv-Luv DVD-ROM cover

Muv-Luv DVD Cover

CD and DVD Version (18+ Ages)[]

Muv-Luv was released on February 28, 2003 on Windows CD-ROM, and re-released on DVD-ROM on April 30, 2004.

All Ages Version[]

An All Ages Version with the adult content removed was released on September 22, 2006. The all-age version uses Alternative's engine (wide screen, 5.1 surround sound), has new opening sequences for both Extra and Unlimited (Extra's original opening sequence can still be seen), and has several minor changes to the script and new CGs. Cuts are the adult scenes and the option to return to the last choice.

Xbox 360 Version[]

All ages version of Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv Alternative ported to the Xbox 360 by 5pb. and were simultaneously released on October 27, 2011. They utilize a newer version of rUGP and the AGES system, as well as feature new openings.

Windows 7 Edition[]

A port of the 360 version with the adult content restored, but the new openings removed. As well, the games are truly compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7. Released on June 29, 2012.

PlayStation 3 Version[]

A port of the 360 version with a new opening. Will be released on October 25, 2012.

English Translation[]

An unofficial patch has been released by Amaterasu Translations. It requires the 2004 DVD Version.

An official English translation and localization of the all-ages version of Extra and Unlimited was released in 2015 by Degica after a Kickstarter fundraiser and can be found on Steam. An 18+ patch had been promised, and was subsequently released as paid DLC on Denpasoft, though this has since been delisted.


The title, Muv-Luv, is likely a play off of the Japanese slang Mabu-dachi (マブダチ), meaning true friend. In this way, Muv-Luv can be interpreted as a pun for "True Love."


External Links[]

Muv-Luv Official Website (Japanese)
Muv-Luv on Steam