Adoption request for the Wiki
Unfortunately with very few exceptions this wiki is currently in a pretty dormant state and admins/bureaucrats are not really active - most of them for years. I've reached out to Superior-chan, the bureaucrat who was last active, but they seem to not be active at all lately. There are tons of things that could be improved and that require access to the admin tools, especially when it comes to design, e.g. the CSS file and the theme builder. For instance I did a redesign of the main page which I hope looks pretty good on light theme... but on dark theme it does not really work because I cannot use any css classes for styling to get the colors to fit. Hopefully it would also help with re-building a more active community if there is an equall…
Your Fandom Wiki Manager
Hello everyone! My name is Awyman13, and I’m the Fandom Wiki Manager for the . I am here to help the community and be a liaison to full-time Fandom staff. If you ever have a question or issue relating to the wiki, editing, styling, infoboxes, templates, etc., please contact me on my message wall.
Here are some handy links for help with wiki features:
- Galleries, Slideshows, and Sliders—ways to present images.
- Tabbers—a tabbed interface to organize information.
- Portable Infoboxes—concise presentation of data that works on mobile devices too.
- Community CSS and JavaScript—more customization options.
Questions? Let me know how I can help. - Awyman13 01:01, May 9, 2019 (UTC)
Requested update from an interested wiki member about Stella Bremer fanfic
"Are you still working on that by any chance?"
To answer your question, yes. I'm working on establishing the fanon characters that she, Yui, Tarisa, and Cui Yifei all get their battlefield stress release with (coughcoughthelewdstuffahem) so that there's more to the erotica than just the sexual interactions. I intend to depict chemistry between the ships, in ways that are reflective of my own thoughts on each character in question. To extrapolate; coming at it from a view that is...well, I'm not going to hide it, a nationalistic western-chauvinist POV that loves global geopolitical intrigue and shadow-ops stuff, the girls' lovers are all American TSF veterans, save for one FNG (Fucking New Guy; mildly dismissive term for the new replaceme…
US Army Rangers as TSF pilots
So the USMC are TSF pilots, their Force Recon units are TSFs, and the Air Force Paratroopers have more or less been converted into the Orbital Droppers. This is just a side idea of mine to envision US Army special operation units' TSFs and tactics. Amongst these units is the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Profiles of the current characters created, with more to follow, and with their TSF stuff at the bottom:
Captain Aaron Carser
US Army 75th Ranger Regiment, 1st TSF Battalion
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Anglo-Scandinavian/Native- American, Mohawk
Birthplace: Ft. Benning, GA
TSF: A/R-15E*
Hair: Closely shorn, mahogany brown
Eye color: Dark green
Skin: Mild-tan, numerous scars
Body: Broad-shouldered, well-built, peak f…
Semi-canon TSF Images from IMOZO doujin circle.
Similar to the J-20 earlier this year, we've got a new semi-canon TSF to look at in a new doujin.
Dive Into Hell! A TSFIA Story
Low Earth Orbit: 1200 Kilometers above US-Canadian Border near Montreal, Quebec
One of the best ways to get the blood pumping was to drop like a rock through the Earth's atmosphere. At more than fifteen thousand kilometers per hour, the trip back down to solid ground wouldn't take more than eight minutes.
To the seasoned Orbital Diver Ash West, those eight minutes felt like an eternity.
The entire chassis of his Tactical Surface Fighter shook around him as they barrelled through the Earth's protective layers. The temperature inside the pilot seat felt like he was sitting in an oven, and it didn't help that he was bathed a dim red light as his TSFs safety warnings refused to shut down. Only a thin layer of metallic plate stood between West and…
TSFIA: Dive Into Hell! Meet the Divers.
I know I said that the next article I post will be the short story itself, but I couldn't help but jump into photoshop after being away for so long. The story has definitely inspired me to make some visuals that would go great in a visual novel, but I don't feel like making another Divergence Chronicles given the time I have (or lack thereof).
I figured I would take this opportunity to not just show off the art but also introduce the characters.
The F-22A Raptor, on permanent loan from the United State's Army for use in the USSC's SOAG's unique mission. Only eight of these 3rd Generation craft were supplied, due to fears of losing such a highly valuable piece of equipment behind enemy lines. Standard Operating Procedure requires pilots who a…
Make Your Own TSFIA: Diving Into Hell!
So I haven't done anything Muv Luv related in a while and I want to write my own TSFIA (The short stories they pop into their Omnibuses every once in a while) because why not. I'm not the kind to retread over already touched material so I'd like to explore something a little fresh.
So, to start with, I've got to figure out what individual or group I'm going to be focusing on. As an American, it makes sense to write from an American's perspective, as I lack the worldly knowledge to truly emulate a different culture's mannerisms and such. Some of that can be alleviated by research, but for a smaller project I think it's important not to let scope creep keep me from finishing by wasting all my time on wikipedia.
So, the good ol' US of A. A very…
TSFiA 32: Blood Red Carpet
Like before, I welcome any checks and edits.
Any text(s) enclosed in [] are not part of the original story, but added in to better link subjects between sentences.
TSFiA 14: Wintering Places
I'm reasonably sure that this translation won't be missing any meanings, but, all the same, I welcome any checks and edits.
Text(s) enclosed in [] are not part of the original story, but added in to better link subjects between sentences.
Muv Luv and Macross
Muv Luv seems to be much different than Gundam and Macross.But it looks it could fit in on the SDF=1.It has its role in Muv Luv and it could militarily go further.What if these pilots found out about amazing fighter TSF.This thing is called an F-22 Raptor because its a robot mecha that has components of fightercraft.Amazing that it can fight.Its a combatant.TSF is incredible weapon that could be used in wars.Many more wars than in Muv Luv world.Give them more worth wild pilots.Series could have been to 30 episodes or more.It does not have a gundam saber.It is a mystery too.No huge amounts of info on what they are and to cross over the concepts.Muv Luv has such control and superiority in flight.It is a great fighter.TSF that readied for spa…
Schwarzesmarken fan art
A lot of this was produced before the show, but there are some great gems folks have been making. Figured I'd share some of the ones I found. My avatar included, although I don't think it's appropriate to upload the more risque ones. I especially liked the ones by the Mizuki Ame (or his/her many other romanized name translations) where the characters have their uniforms drawn historically accurate.
Kudos to the artists out there inspired by Schwarzesmarken. Hope to see more in the future.
Schwarzesmarken Character Sample Translations
So here's all the character gallery translations I could find collected from a certain imageboard. Each character has multiple responses depending on where you click and how many times you click on that area:
Anatomy of the IRG Uniform
It was a Jacket with Buttoned/Latched front the whole time! You still have the logic-defying sleeves though. And that gown/coat totally screams Tenchi Muyo, 90's style . This is pretty relevant for folks wanting to make their own cosplay, though. Kinda glad I found this before I commission the aforementioned costume for myself.
Muv Luv Strategy Game Map
- 1 Background
- 2 Map & Scenario
- 3 Factions
- 4 Units
- 4.1 United States of America
- 4.1.1 Ground Units
- 4.1.2 Air Units
- 4.1.3 Naval Units
- 4.2 Empire of Japan
- 4.2.1 Ground Units
- 4.2.2 Air Units
- 4.2.3 Naval Units
- 4.3 Sixth French Republic
- 4.3.1 Ground Units
- 4.3.2 Air Units
- 4.3.3 Naval Units
- 4.4 Canada
- 4.4.1 Ground Units
- 4.4.2 Air Units
- 4.4.3 Naval Units
- 4.5 BETA
- 4.5.1 Ground Units
- 4.5.2 Naval Units
- 4.5.3 Special Units
- 4.1 United States of America
- 5 Research
- 6 Future Scenarios
So I've been dying for a proper strategy game for Muv-Luv since I played Faraway Dawn, specifically either a TBS (Turn-based strategy) with some kind of unit building mechanics (a la Advance Wars) OR something like a Grand Strategy game where you control an entire nation (a la Total War or Civilizations).
The few fan games that exist are focused on …
Cosplay House: New Muv-Luv Commission
I've been keen on purchasing a cosplay outfit related to Muv-Luv since I realized someone had a UN officers uniform created. For now I've been waiting for the right opportunity to arise and the funds to be secured for such a purchase, since I'm definitely not the type to want to 'create' my own.
Recently, I noticed someone actually commissioned Ikaruga's IRG outfit , and also apparently they wanted his boots as a separate or additional item (it's the spurs, for sure). I'm actually kind of glad someone did this because, although I have no interest in cosplaying Ikaruga or a member of the regent houses, I DID however want to cosplay a member of the Guard and this gives me a good idea of the general price range.
I mean, the IRG have the most in…
Another Giant Mech fiction on alternate history - United States of Japan
(Not to be mistaken with a certain pipe dream made by a masked vigilante)
"Peter Tieryas Liu's lastest novel, United States of Japan is said by the the author as a “spiritual successor” to Philip K Dick’s classic The Man In The High Castle. Only, instead of the Japanese and Germans sharing the US in the 1960s, Japan is the sole oppressor, and they’re lording it over America with an army of giant mechs..."
In short:
Somehow, I doubt that claim...
Anyway, any plan to get this book? Kind of attractive, but I think I'll have to wait to see if this is just another YA novel.
Muv-Luv Divergence Chronicles Teasers & Full Episodes
- 1 Parent blog post: Game Development & Spoiler Blog
- 2 Teasers
- 3 Full Episodes
- 3.1 Episode 01
I very nervously present to you the first scene of Muv-Luv Divergence Chronicles Episode 01 as a teaser of what is to come. It's been a lot of work so far and I'm nowhere near done, but just this start has been amazing to create and experience as both a developer and a reader.
Further improvements to this scene will continue over time, but for now it is relatively polished. That said, if you see any glaring errors please let me know.
There is nothing to be done for the resolution however, as Ren'py generally focuses on lower resolution for optimization. This is still bumped up from the default 800x600, but I'm afraid to make it any larger than what I changed…
Chibi Schwarzesmarken Game Characters
I grabbed the images from the site, although unfortunately Beatrix wasn't in the cache. They seem perfect for avatars or something like that. Also, made the Gretel walk animation for fun out of the four individual sprites she had.
New book from Comiket 89..
As found on twitter:
Among the few sample images we have the J-20, which is based off of the actual J-20 PRC fighter that is meant to equate to the F-22. Based on the available content however, this seems to double as a joke article book similar to the F-35. Some weird BETA designs and some KanColle theme armors.
Seems to be a doujin by group IMOZO, but with support from official sources like TE monkeychop artist. Kouki retweeted it which is the only reason I noticed.
Schwarzesmarken Anime Thoughts
So, the first episode has finally broadcast.
The episode massively exceeded my expectations and the show seems off to a promising start. A definitive improvement over the memories I have from the TE anime.
The episode wasn't as dark as I'd hoped, but it did manage to deliver the atmosphere.
Character designs... while still crappy compared to the VN/LN designs, they turned out a lot better than the distributed stills. This is the only part which I think damaged the episode.
Three things kept coming to me while watching: What's up with most of the girl's eyebrows? Is Iris supposed to look that old (late 20s)? And, Katia sure deserves the Most Raped Character Design award so far.
Last but not least... the theme song at the end wasn't as "WTF"-indu…
Bernhard in the Shadow Translation(Engrish version) ch01
[I am not kidding,Engrish version.Because I can't do well in English.]
[I need your help,to get a local English version, just edit this if you are good at English.]
[Every page would have two parts in the left and right,so you will see "left part' in progress report]
Ch.01 Heisitation of Jürgen Bernhard
The first time I heard the name of that girl, it was when I was preparing breakfast as usual.
"Oh, so she has a skill that even you would admire…?"
I asked as I started the stove in order to brew some red tea, while my younger sister was slicing black bread, bacon, and cheese.
It was a plain breakfast.Plain breakfast,just as my father said,people in the West German…
Schwarz Tower Defense
Evidently Age released a Schwarz tower defense mini-game. Chibi versions of the cast fight waves of Gretels cosplaying as BETA classes, so far I've seen her dressed as Tank, Laser and Fort classes but I've only got to level 3 and haven't beaten it yet, its pretty brutal.
Good ending Schwarzesmarken yes or no
I think almost everyone knows the fate of Irisdina in the epilogue of Schwarzesmarken, and after multiple games where there is no good ending for any of the heroines from âge after Muv-Luv Extra, so i started to wonder is a good ending necessary from âge at this point.
Schwarzesmarken Spoilers
So I took it upon myself to collect some of the spoilers floating around for SM. These spoilers should be taken with a grain of salt and definitely corroborated before being added to their pertinent articles.
For instance, the spoilers for SM's volume 5-7 mentions that Karel is Irisdina's brother. Karel is actually a character from Gretel's past. Back in 1978, Karel and Gretel were students at Karl Marx Comprehensive School (a special school for the children of party members and nomenklatura). The two had a budding romance which was dashed ironically by then lieutenant Beatrix Brehmer when her investigations of Karel and his family turned up seditious thoughts/activities (see Schwarzemarken Requiem 2 Chapter 1 ).
Without further ado, let's b…
GEH and other frustrations
Haven't posted a lot, and since Koto hasn't been pushing the Muv Luv kits heavily (at least not until Schwarzmarken comes out) haven't been posting in the wiki much either. Lot of frustrations with life and stuff, but I guess I'm finding more and more that anime fandom in general seems to be getting stupider, more biased and more crass as time goes on?
Muv-Luv Divergence
The year is 2004, and Shirogane Takeru wakes to find himself back in the hell he once thought was a horrible nightmare: a world of BETA. His last memory of the old world, the normal world, was being surrounded by friends and family without a care in the world: just like the Kagami Sumika of the last loop wanted for him. Now, in an unfamiliar place with nothing but his jumbled memories to accompany him, Takeru stumbles his way through this new world searching for answers.
The first person to properly welcome him is none other than the woman who guided him through last time, Kouzuki Yuuko; his physics teacher in the old world, who then turned into one of the most powerful women in the world through her place in the UN. Now sporting a new unif…
USS JFKs Secret Cargo
I've laid this out in bits and pieces across different topics and threads, but wanted to put it all together in a comprehensive way, while still making it clear that this is speculation (all be it well supported). For organization's sake, I'll start with the facts, and save the speculation for the end.
- Operation Babylon was responsible for the destruction of many (though not all) BETA hives, through the use of G-element dependent G-bombs.
- Within 96 hours of Operation Babylon and "The Day", sea level rise becomes apparent.
- Within 48 hours of that, the situation is deemed dire enough to evacuate Japan. Fatal riots occur due to lack of civilian transport.
- U.S.S. John F. Kennedy is dispatched to Yokohama base to escort "Top Secret Data" to H…
fictional TSF thingy
Fictional TSF thingy
Type 77 series (not to be confused with the F-4 variant of the same identification) Company HQ: Germany West
During the war to push the BETA off the planet earth a company; B & K had become completed many contracts for military contractors and decided to try it's own hand at developing it's own TSF. This of course was not without faults however, new technologies were certainly a no-no and it needed to incorporate currently readily availible systems to fit it's highly limited budget. The Type 77E was intended to be a cheap private prototype venture into improving lower end TSF, and improve company experience in this field. B & K had so far only fulfilled production contracts as stated earlier, however it was abo…
New Infobox Templates, changes in progress
Scroll to the bottom for list of characters/TSF pages that need to have their Infobox templates updated.
Updated the infobox templates for both Characters and TSF. I decided to make new templates instead of overwriting the old ones since that was guaranteed to screw up basically all the pages that use infoboxes right now. This way, regular usage of the wiki is not disrupted.
So now the slow process of updating the Infoboxes begins. If you would like to help, check out the documentation pages for Characters and TSF infoboxes on how to use them. You don't need to read everything, just the usage section. For those that don't want to read those pages, here's a little primer on how to update the current template to the new one.
- First, find a chara…
Muv-Luv Kickstarter: Choices, Choices...
So, we should all know by now about the Kickstarter and the poll. Needless to say it's awesome that English fans are finally getting official recognition. Not only that, but we have some very cool potential options to choose from for the original trilogy's remake and release.
First thing I voted for was more Muv-Luv translations in the future. As much as I want to play the 2011 Kimi ga Nozomu Eien game for Mitsuko, I'd much rather have the rest of the franchise. Seems like most people agree, judging by the 75% vote.
Obviously the list of potential upgrades were tough. The main thing I disliked about Alternative was, despite the fact it was a strong story overall, it deviated from the original formula and largely was a Kinetic novel (perhaps …
1/144 16th Guard Battalion Type-00R + EML-99X
Finally received my 1/144 16th Guard Batallion Type-00R today. Not sure if the info page in the manual had any new material so I scanned and uploaded it for anyone that knows japanese to take a look at:
Click the gear at the top right of the image to see the full resolution if the image is too small.
About the kit itself, well it's the same Type-00R as Meiya's 1/144 Type-00R. So not much to say about that. I did notice that the eye piece for the Type-00R is different from the Type-00F and 00A. The F and A varients have a flat eye piece/visor while the R variant has little protrusions along the visor, kinda like multiple tiny eyes. Just something I never noticed before, always thought all of them were exactly the …
Muv Luv Alternative Chronicles 04: Wiki Pages to be Added
As an owner of this game, I've played through the game multiple times and even wrote articles here on the wiki (like JFK Hive and Lea Gegranne etc.), but I really just scratched the surface. There are plenty of events that could be expanded upon with their own pages, and especially information relating to characters and what they were doing in Chronicles 04.
So I'm going to use this blog post as sort of a preliminary list of potential new pages and updates to existing pages based on what I come across as relevant in the game itself.
4 Country Conference
NORAD Recapture Operation
OSP-1400 (And the operators onboard) (Related to SHADOW system)
Kouzuki Report (Might be difficult to make a whole page about, though)
US/Japan Alliance & France/Ca…
MiG-21 Model kit update?
This popped up on my twitter feed:
Release date is september apprently. Can't read japanese so not sure if this is a seperate release/color variation from the previous MiG-21 announcement or maybe even an online shop exclusive, so I'm not gonna update the page (yet).
For a non-scale kit and at 5800 yen there seems to be rather little in terms of accessories/weapons compared to previous model kits. 2 Assault Cannons, a dagger and shield? ;_;
The Typhoon kits also only had 2 Assault Cannons but at least they had the 2 halberds compared to the single dagger and both releases of the Typhoon had a seperate huge ass weapon included.
I think all the American TSF had the full 4 Assault Cannon lo…
Need Help
Does anyone know where I can find Muv-Luv or other visual novel sprites? They're the kind with a transparent background and are just plain static character images. I got some visual novel making software off of Steam that seems to work ok but I need characters to put in it and what better ones to use than ML characters.
Have a bit of a hard time believing this is real, but definitely shouldn't be impossible. TSF SOON(TM)
Avalon Airshow 2015
Found out that I missed the Avalon Airshow this weekend. Mainly because I was working all weekend. FML.
MLA: NextAnswer
Just so in case some of you guys became skellingtons just WAITING for it, the new Mop Rub mobage, Muv-Luv Alternative: NextAnswer, is now available.
So for you guys who went through the hassle of registering your email for the activation notifications, you can start playing your Muvcolle, collecting Chara and TSF cards, battling BETA, wondering if Kouki has finally lost the marbles for the series canon and generally GRINDING THE BONES OUT OF YOUR FINGERS it's okay, there's an autoplay function for battles.
Muv-Luv Chibiness
End of work today, went home. Sat down to rewrite my dark and serious grimderp ML fic.
So...WHY is my head full of SD Chibi versions of the Muv-Luv, Schwarzemarken and Total Eclipse cast trying to summarize the ENTIRE Kouki-written Muv-Luv universe in less than 5 minutes?
I'll never get that damn fic off the ground at this rate...
Lunatic Dawn 9: Buildlege
Really, age, would it kill you to add in a few more letters to make it "Build Legacy" or something?
Anyways, seeing as no one else has talked about this, I found some images of LD9 online. From what I know, TSF stuff seems pretty sparse; apart from the Hornet/Super Hornet and their Australian/SEAsian derivatives, the only new thing to enter the fray is the Su-11TM. It's a nice reminder from Kouki that he still remembers the larger part of the franchise.
On the subject of the Hornet and its ilk, as you may have guessed, the Hornet's only differences from the Super Hornet are some minor changes in the top of the shoulder blocks, the size of its legs' calf blocks (larger on the Super Hornet) and the skirt armor, which, as you may have noticed o…
Philippines' TSFs
When I checked out about the Tactical Surface Fighter and its various TSF units used by almost every country like Japan, America, Soviet Union, European Union, Middle East and Africa, COSEAN, UDC, and the UN in defense of their territories and 30-year long war against the BETA.
It made me wonder about the Philippines. It was mentioned in COSEAN that it wasn't a member of that organization due to America's strong influence on the country and a host of UN Base 12. So far no BETA attacks on the Philippines were mentioned so far in the series yet. If there are TSFs in the Philippine military, I would like to know what types they use whether it's from American, Japanese, Soviet, Chinese, European, etc. I compare to the real-life Armed Forces of …
TE English Dub
Well found this today:, apparently they're releasing an English dub of TE, it lists a release date and the English cast. Maybe if its reasonably successful they might make official English releases rather than fan translated stuff.
Super Gekishin
I made a preliminary translation of the joke website age had back in 2010, detailing the, uh, "decision to adopt the deployment" of the Super Gekishin.
Now, if they'd go back and put in the same attention to detail to flesh out Total Eclipse...
Changes to the wiki - 3
A.k.a. Moero Trainwreck Night edition; category links love to screw up for inexplicable reasons.
Currently I've changed some of the details from my previous example image in the changelog, as befitting the nature of their content. I'm currently on the fence with the new layout; while tabber does allow me to shove more stuff in at 50% the space used, I haven't found a way to make a two-column arrangement work, and in retrospect, the original no-tab layout in the first changelog image was a lot crisper. Tell me what you guys think; one, the other, or why not both?
The next thing to work on is a TSF all-link template not unlike what you see on the Gundam wikia. I'll settle that first, but there's the pressing question of having to re-arrange th…
Changes to the wiki - 2
A.k.a. the "yell as loud as you can in front of a snowy mountain" edition.
In the previous post I mentioned about an attempt to "de-clutter" the front page. This is the new proposed format, and if no one takes issue with it the front page will soon be changed in... about a week's time, if nothing goes wrong.
No need to worry about the red links, I have yet to do them up properly. They'll be leading to their respective pages, which is essentially the same as quartering the current front page into more manageable portions.
The other edits are currently ready to be rolled out and as soon as this goes underway, the work will start in earnest.
State your yays and nays in the comments below; it'll be nice to hear some feedback about how good/shitty …
Changes to the wiki
I've been a tad busy lately, with very little time to do things beyond checking back one or twice in a while or so. Now that the hustle is dying down, I'm thinking of putting forward something that I've always wanted to do, but couldn't find the time to do so: reformatting the wiki layout.
As you guys all know the front page lists all the major subjects of the Muv-Luv metaverse in a rather open manner, which, while no issue for those of us here long enough, seems to be a persistent problem for newcomers; I have non-username comments getting confused on settings and such. I'm proposing a reshuffle and rearrangement, starting out with a broad sweeping stroke of the front page layout to get the boulder rolling:
- 1 Games:
- 2 Settings:
- 3 Publications:
- 4 M…
Schwarzesmarken Translations
Well I finally got my scanner, now I just need to get home(probably around Christmas time) and get my light novels and start scanning. A question though, is there any legal hoops to jump through before posting the translations somewhere and if not where would be a good place to put them. Obviously not here. I have I think up to volume 6, I know the last two I got were magazine size with details on TSF models included and some other stuff with high-gloss color pages instead of black-and-white. I know at least the Prologue through Chapter 2 or Volume 1 has been translated so I'll probably start at Chapter 3.
FrodoTip: Inazuma Kick?
FrodoTip: Inazuma Kick
This article is one of a series meant to address common Frodo complaints. Caution: Occasional injects of real world physics, possibly involving maths, may be involved.
Q: Let's say a TSF was able to into a main shaft of a hive and, by some miracle, was able to dodge the volley of lasers. This said TSF then activates its rocket booster and, after 5 seconds of acceleration, slams into a heavy laser beta 90 degree angle perpendicular to ground level. What happens next? does the heavy laser pop like a balloon of meat, blood and gore? or does the TSF disintegrate into a pile of scrap metal? or is it mutual destruction?
- Ginobi47
This is an interesting question. I can guarantee you that (outside of Ayu Mayu Alternative) the…